¡Welcome to Watt it's about!
The podcast that sparks the energy on you.

Welcome to Watt it’s about!
Each episode covers current and relevant topics such as: procurement strategies, CO2 emissions, the impact of the geopolitical landscape on the markets, hydrogen…
We dive into in-depth debates and offer valuable insights for large energy consumers and industry professionals. With the participation of experts and opinion leaders, we share practical experiences to turn energy challenges into opportunities.
Our podcast will be available on Spotify and on Haya Energy Solutions website.
Join us on Watt it’s about and stay up to date with the latest energy trends.
¡Inauguramos Sección!
La sección de nuestro podcast donde analizamos las claves del mercado energético español. En cada episodio, analizamos los cambios más relevantes en el sector eléctrico, desde la evolución de la capacidad instalada hasta las tendencias en precios y demanda.
¿Qué encontrarás en este episodio? 🔍
Capacidad instalada: La fotovoltaica ha superado a la eólica como la tecnología con mayor capacidad en el sistema energético español, mientras que la nuclear, a pesar de su baja capacidad, sigue teniendo una gran aportación a la generación total.
Demanda eléctrica: Tras años de caída, la demanda muestra signos de recuperación en 2024, aunque sigue por debajo de niveles pre-COVID. Se espera un crecimiento anual del 2% hasta 2027.
Precios eléctricos: En 2024, los precios han sido similares a los de 2018, con un periodo primaveral de valores muy bajos seguido de un encarecimiento a final de año debido al aumento del uso de ciclos combinados y su dependencia del gas.
Perspectivas a futuro: Los precios de la electricidad estarán marcados por factores climáticos y la evolución del precio del gas, con reservas bajas que obligarán a los países europeos a restablecer sus niveles.

What is it about?
The experts at Haya Energy Solutions are offering you an ‘electric’ podcast. In each episode we will explore current issues, trends and challenges in the energy sector, such as electricity supply strategies, CO2 emissions, hydrogen…
We want to provide a space to debate and teach about the most relevant and innovative aspects of the energy market. With the participation of experts and opinion leaders, we share practical experiences to turn energy challenges into opportunities.
Join us at Watt it’s about and keep up to date with the latest energy trends.
Who are we?
At Haya Energy Solutions, we believe in the power of knowledge and the importance of sharing it.
We are a team of experts committed to the energy of the future and its fundamental role in transforming a more efficient world. We meet our partners’ needs. With a holistic view, we anticipate industry changes by analysing market trends. We develop innovative solutions that lead to significant improvements in more efficient and responsible energy production or consumption.
For more than 10 years, the HES team of experts has worked on high-level projects with renowned energy companies such as Siemens, EDF, SNCF and others, bringing added value at different stages of the chain and delivering great results that facilitate industry success.
Why a podcast?
Our goal is to make the energy sector accessible to all, providing clear and useful information for both experts and those who want to learn more about this fundamental topic. Through our podcast, we will share news, analysis and key recommendations for improving energy management, helping companies and individuals to optimise their energy consumption and production.
We invite you to join us on this adventure towards a more conscious energy future!