Are European energy taxes in line with environmental objectives?
Although not collected by the EU but by each of the countries, taxes on energy at the European level exist, and they are implemented in the form of indirect taxes, also called excise duties. The EU sets harmonised minimum rates of excise duty for all energy products used for heating,
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Each month, one of our experts publishes an article describing his view on a specific topic of the constant changes taking place in the energy market, with special focus on the French market.

Nuclear: el día de la marmota
El martes 21 de diciembre, comenzó oficialmente la temporada de invierno. Sin embargo, para Europa, y en lo que a los mercados energéticos se

Nuclear Groundhog Day
According to the Gregorian calendar, on Tuesday, 21 December, the signal for the beginning of the winter season was officially given. For Europe, however,

Plan 2050 RTE: Un aperitivo gourmet
Tras la firma del Acuerdo europeo en París en diciembre de 2019, el Gobierno francés solicitó a RTE, en ejercicio de sus atribuciones, el

RTE 2050 PLAN : A gourmet appetizer
Following the signature of the European agreement in Paris in December 2019, the French government asked RTE, in the exercise of its powers, to

China’s electricity crisis: a new global pandemic pushing energy prices to unprecedented highs
What initially appeared to be some good news eventually led to the emergence of a major energy crisis in China, a crisis which spread

Alza de los precios de la electricidad: ¿Quién tiene la culpa?
Este verano he pasado mis vacaciones en la costa en el sur de España (cosa que recomiendo). Para mi sorpresa, la segunda noticia de

Soaring electricity prices: Whose fault is it?
This summer I spent my holidays on the coast in the south of Spain (something I highly recommend). To my surprise, the second biggest

Objective: Carbon neutrality
In our last article on the carbon market we explained the different phases of the ETS since its inception in 2000. In June 2021,

El horizonte de las inversiones en energía según la AIE
La lucha contra el cambio climático se ha vuelto el eje del desarrollo del sector de la energía. El objetivo de cero emisiones en