Hydrogen Blue White & Red!
A year ago, we welcomed the European Commission’s late introduction of delegated acts defining the criteria for renewable hydrogen and its derivatives, whether produced in Europe or imported. At last, Europe had a definition of its renewable hydrogen. But what about France? (See newsletter: Green Hydrogen Europe (link)) In France,
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Each month, one of our experts publishes an article describing his view on a specific topic of the constant changes taking place in the energy market, with special focus on the French market.
THE TIMES THEY ARE A-CHANGIN’ – Iberian Singularity
Energy has been a daily topic of conversation in recent months. We at HES have been closely following all the developments to accompany our
Rising energy prices: national measures to protect European end-users
In recent months, European wholesale energy prices have risen considerably, thus creating a tense situation for end-users. In addition, Russian’s invasion of Ukraine at
Subida de precios de la energía: medidas nacionales para proteger a los consumidores finales europeos
En los últimos meses, los precios europeos de la energía en los mercados mayoristas han subido significativamente, lo que ha creado una situación tensa
Ukrainian crisis: how does dependence on Russian gas threaten the security of energy supply in France and, more broadly, in Europe?
“Master of the Kremlin”, as Vladimir Putin is often referred to, is certainly a master in the use of the bludgeon… but he is
French capacity mechanism: New simplified rules
In the wake of the major strategic directions for energy and climate, the energy mix – and the market as a whole – are
Mecanismo de capacidad francés: nuevas normas simplificadas
A consecuencia de las grandes orientaciones estratégicas establecidas para el clima y la energía, el mix energético – y el mercado en su conjunto
Nuclear: el día de la marmota
El martes 21 de diciembre, comenzó oficialmente la temporada de invierno. Sin embargo, para Europa, y en lo que a los mercados energéticos se
Nuclear Groundhog Day
According to the Gregorian calendar, on Tuesday, 21 December, the signal for the beginning of the winter season was officially given. For Europe, however,
Plan 2050 RTE: Un aperitivo gourmet
Tras la firma del Acuerdo europeo en París en diciembre de 2019, el Gobierno francés solicitó a RTE, en ejercicio de sus atribuciones, el