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Posts by category
- Category: All publications
- Gas outlook: prices, storage levels & security of supply perspectives
- Wind Record Generation | EDF Nuclear Assets Shutdown Analysis
- Energy crises: lessons from the past and challenges for the future
- The mechanism of opportunities
- Winter perspectives and energy supply security
- Hydrogen Blue White & Red!
- Electricity Market in Spain during Q1 & Q2 2024
- Gas Market in Spain during Q1 & Q2 2024
- BioLNG – Newsline
- How to reduce consumers’ and generators’ risk against volatile energy prices?
- The Challenge of New Fuels
- Is nuclear energy finally green?
- The other Electricity Cash Cow: the Capacity Mechanism
- A Capacity Mechanism full of surprises
- Fragile energy security for this winter
- Industrial ESG
- Europe’s green hydrogen
- Gas: how ready is Europe for winter 2023/24?
- Iberian Singularity: balance of an exceptional year
- Open, CBAM!
- Commission’s proposal on the electricity market reform (Part 3): liberals score a point
- Electricity market reform (Part 2) : liberals strike back
- Electricity market reform (Part 1): Spain’s proposal
- Margin Cap: the new paradigm
- Nuclear energy in France: a challenge ahead
- Ukrainian crisis: how ready is Europe ahead of next winter? A focus on gas
- Analysis of the Iberian singularity (last 3 months) versus other regulatory mechanisms
- Purchasing power and energy
- Australia’s power spot market suspension: a warning for Europe?
- REPowerEU: “green” and economic cost at stake?
- THE TIMES THEY ARE A-CHANGIN’ – Iberian Singularity
- Rising energy prices: national measures to protect European end-users
- Ukrainian crisis: how does dependence on Russian gas threaten the security of energy supply in France and, more broadly, in Europe?
- French capacity mechanism: New simplified rules
- Nuclear Groundhog Day
- RTE 2050 PLAN : A gourmet appetizer
- China’s electricity crisis: a new global pandemic pushing energy prices to unprecedented highs
- Soaring electricity prices: Whose fault is it?
- Objective: Carbon neutrality
- Energy investment horizon according to the IEA
- De Baseload pretio in Gallia (On the price of Baseload in France)
- Coal phase-out in the EU: gaining momentum?
- Carbon: a market under pressure
- A new breath for hydrogen
- Communication Breakdown
- Mecapa in 2020: chronicle of a peculiar mechanism in uncertain times
- New trend: your electricity bill financed by the public debt
- Fifty shades of green growth
- Gas and oil: dancing cheap, too cheap ?
- Climate-proofing for the energy industry: evolve…or die?
- Irsching Irrsinn (Irsching madness)
- Covid19 and developments in the Capacity Market: auction results
- Sanitary crisis and developments in the French Capacity Market
- Time for renewables: how Covid-19 has affected Wind and Solar development in France
- NoRéNE in the time of Coronavirus
- Energy sector put to the test by COVID-19
- State aid: EU Commission opens an in-depth investigation into the regulatory mechanism for natural gas storage in France
- Gas interruptibility: the end of a long saga?
- The verdict is in on the capacity mechanism! Capacity mechanism: things always come in threes
- Greener than green!
- Hercule: labours postponed until the Greek calends
- PPAs for all!
- The French capacity mechanism still has a few tricks up its sleeve!
- The ARENH and TRVs are trying to fit (into) the new Energy and Climate law
- 2018, a record year for gas
- Energy: extinction of the dinosaurs… Petroleum Rex versus Nukeonosaurus?
- Brexit and the energy market
- French capacity certificates are being traded at €20K/MW for 2020 supply. EDF is securing the market
- Third Party Access to storage compensation for 2019: CRE decision of 14 March 2019
- The future of French nuclear power is finally unveiled
- The cost of CO2 in French electricity: tax and/or market? Double the punishment
- PPE: renewable gas on the upswing… concealing a decline in overall gas usage
- Commodities prices on the up: prepare for new challenges in the European Power Market
- Soaring energy prices: thank you Donald Trump!
- The dark (side) strikes back?
- CO2: The return
- The French PPE (multi-year energy programme) and the future of the electricity market
- Germany´s energy sector under the new GroKo
- Meanwhile, in Germany…
- The Force Assesses
- The price of capacity: unknowns and equations
- Block is ticking…
- Carbon price floor: supporting the EU ETS
- Chilliness in the French electricity market – déjà vu?
- Energiewende: a turning point ahead?
- Storage regulation: it’s in the works!
- The French capacity mechanism is on track to get the better of European rules
- An opportunity to seize
- Questioning the ARENH mechanism
- Gas Storage: What’s the state of play?
- When power capacity markets cross borderlines
- This winter, we touched the limits of the French electricity system
- LNG Surplus: Where did it go?
- A “Winter package” which suits its name!
- Primary: change is on the way!
- Category: Energy prices
- Category: Energy Trends
- Category: Renewable energies